Write the questions beginning with whose to the words given ir left colum .keys, i — whose keys are these? they're mine. 1. discs, john 2. hat, ann 3. pencils, .room,.snowboard ,.yard,torry and .flat,.milk,cat

flash2050p08smf flash2050p08smf    1   20.09.2019 07:30    1

zdjby1 zdjby1  08.10.2020 04:08
Whose discs are these? They're John,s
Whose hat is this? It is Ann,s
Whose  pencils are these? They're mine.
Whose room is this? It is our.
Whose  snowboard  is this? It is your.
Whose  yard  is this? It is Torry,s and Fred,s.
Whose  flat  is this? It is our.
Whose  milk  is this? It is cat,s.
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