Write the numbers. the number of dwarves snow white lived with — the celsius freezing point — days in april — the number of letters in the english alphabet — an unlucky number — teeth in the normal human mouth — the number of years in a millennium — the number of months in a year — days in december – degrees in a right angle — books in a trilogy — minutes in an hour — legs has an octopus — the number of cents in a half-dollar — players in a soccer team — number of hours in a day — celsius boiling point —

netesa0202 netesa0202    3   28.09.2019 21:50    43

СвятаяSaints СвятаяSaints  09.10.2020 01:24

The number of Dwarves Snow White lived with — seven (7)

The Celsius freezing point — zero (0)

Days in April — thirty (30)

The number of letters in the English alphabet — twenty-six (26)

An unlucky number — thirteen (13)

Teeth in the normal human mouth — thirty-two (32)

The number of years in a millennium — one thousand (1000)

The number of months in a year — twelve (12)

Days in December – thirty-one (31)

Degrees in a right angle — ninety (90)

Books in a trilogy — three (3)

Minutes in an hour — sixty (60)

Legs has an octopus — eight (хотя сейчас ученые считают, то у осьминога только 2 ноги - Octopuses have six arms and two legs)

The number of cents in a half-dollar — fifty (50)

Players in a soccer team — eleven (11)

Number of hours in a day — twenty-four (24)

Celsius boiling point — one hundred (100)

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