Write the correct words.
1. [iau'
2. [ ' s e p a r e x t ]
3. ['
5. [ s a ' r a u n d ]

ii. write in as as, so as-
1. this country i s beautiful that one.

2. this emblem is n o t beautiful that one.
3. his daughter i s youn g mine.
4. this building i s h ig h our university.

5. «is lesson twenty-one lesson twenty-
two? » — «no, lesson twenty-two is n o t sim

lesson twenty-one; it's more difficult».
iii. put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form. the
present simple active or passive.
1. 70 billion cups of tea (to drink) in
britain every year.
2. the english channel separate)
the uk from france.
3. the (to start) with the description
of some historic events.

4. the rain in wales (to stay) ki
5. the u k (to wash) by four seas.
[v. write different types of questions to the sentences.
1. the british isles lie in the north-west of europe, (spssisl)

2. the important ports of the country are london, liverp°°k
glasgow and others, (tag)

3. in 1959 americans welcomed alaska into the uniop 85 ^ e
49th state, (special)

4. the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
is situated on the british isles, (general)

the highest point in our country is d z y a r z h y n s k hill,


v. write 8 questions about the uk’s national symbols.

shcherbakova05 shcherbakova05    2   22.09.2019 20:11    4

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