Write the correct infinitives with 'to'. 1. John's gone to the cash machine … some money.
2. Next weekend I'm going to Newcastle … my grandmother.
3. I'm going to the post office … a parcel.
4. He wrote Paul's birthday in his diary so as …to buy him a present.
5. I put the letter on the table near the front door in order not … to post it the next day.​

oligayaraya oligayaraya    1   10.02.2021 21:23    23

Tara8808 Tara8808  12.03.2021 21:24

1. John's gone to the cash machine TO GET some money.

2. Next weekend I'm going to Newcastle TO VISIT my grandmother.

3. I'm going to the post office TO SEND a parcel.

4. He wrote Paul's birthday in his diary so as TO REMEMBER to buy him a present.

5. I put the letter on the table near the front door in order not TO FORGET to post it the next day.

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