Write the answers to the following questions in your own words. (a) What are the differences between plants and animals? (b) What are the similarities between plants and animals? (c) How is the plant kingdom useful to us? (d) How is the animal kingdom useful to us? (e) What makes living things different from non-living things? Vild animals​

Novikovavera81 Novikovavera81    1   31.07.2021 08:06    1

LopsterId1236543 LopsterId1236543  30.08.2021 10:15

A. Plants do not know how to move, hunt, unlike animals

B.the similarity is that they are all born breathe feed multiply and die

C.with the help of the plant kingdom we can breathe as well as eat and heal

D.the animal kingdom is useful to us so that they can protect us and also with the help of them we can eat

E.not alive do not know how to walk, move, breathe, eat, grow, etc.

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