Write sentences with going to. 1 Paul/buy/ new trainers / tomorrow
Paul is going to buy new trainers tomorrow.
2 we/ make / a cake / for Dad's birthday
3 Sam and Emily / use / the computer / after dinner
4 she/go/ to bed / early tonight
5 l/ visit / my friends / in Spain this summer
6 you / start / Spanishy classes / soon

Mira12202 Mira12202    2   13.01.2022 00:59    0

МудрыйКролик МудрыйКролик  13.01.2022 01:00

1. Paul is going to buy new trainers tomorrow.

2. We are going to make a cake for Dad's birthday.

3. Sam and Emily are going to use the computer after dinner.

4. She is going to go to bed early tonight.

5. I'm going to visit my friends in Spain this summer.

6. You are going to start Spanish classes soon. (Если тут должен быть вопрос, то Are you going to start Spanish classes soon?)

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