Write sentences as in the example. 1.that in the world.(slow) 2.that in the shop.(good) 3.that i have.(big) 4.that in the book.(funny) 5.russia in the world.(large) 6.david in our class.(short) 7.that i have.(beautiful) 8.that in the lesson.(interesting) 9.that .(bad)

ibrohim3 ibrohim3    1   13.06.2019 20:20    1

настя51001 настя51001  10.07.2020 18:31
That is the slowest car in the world.
That is the best bike in the shop
That is the biggest bag I have
That is the funniest song in the book
Russia is the largest country in the world
David is a shortest boy in our class
That is the most beautiful doll I have.
That is the most interesting text in the lesson.
That was a worst holiday
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