Write questions to the sentences using the question words in brackets. they always go for a walk in the evning.(where? )2) she prefers to buy new clothes on sales.(what? )3) she buys fresh magazines because her daughter enjoys reading them.(why? )4) this baby-sitter looks after children very carrefully.(how? )5)her uncle often tells about his adventure during the expeditions.(who? )6) he ussually meets his friends after scool.(when? )

stasiko1 stasiko1    2   18.06.2019 09:27    1

Kristina2005fomina Kristina2005fomina  15.07.2020 01:53

1. Where do they always go for a walk in the evening?

2. What does she prefer to buy on sales?

3. Why does she buy fresh magazines?

4. How does this baby-sitter look after children?

5. Who often tells about his adventures during the expeditions?

6. When does he usually meet his friends?

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