Write questions in the passive about the information in blue in the text below. Then ask
and answer with a partner.
When ...?
When was the Tate Modern opened?
1 What ?
2 Where ?
3 How much ?
4 Who_?
5 When_?
6 What_? ​

Write questions in the passive about the information in blue in the text below. Then askand answer w

fhehneeggbvfs fhehneeggbvfs    3   12.02.2021 14:31    1

Скотч7Рулит Скотч7Рулит  14.03.2021 18:03

1. What was opened in the past?

2. Where is the Tate Mordern?

3. How much do the visitors pay to get in?

4. Who designed The Guggenheim museum?

5. When was the Guggenheim museum built?

6. What is the museum used for?

1.In the past it was opened as a power station.

2.The Tate mordern is in London.

3.The visitors don't pay do to get in.

4.Frank gehry designed the Guggenheim museum.

5.The Guggenheim museum was built between 1994 to 1997.

6.The museum is used for exhibitions and confrences.

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