Write questions about Ray Fines. Then ask and
answer with a partner.​

Write questions about Ray Fines. Then ask and answer with a partner.​

dimasyashenkov3 dimasyashenkov3    2   05.02.2021 13:25    0

Боня227 Боня227  07.03.2021 13:30

How many kilometers is Ray going to walk? Ray is going to 5,000 kilometres.

Where is Ray going to start his journey? Ray is going to cheap hotel.

Where is Ray going to finish? He is going to USA.

Sleep is Ray going to cheap hotels? Yes he is.

What is Ray going to see? Ray is going to see a fantastic countryside

Who is Ray going to meet? Ray is going to meet a different people.

Take is Ray going to camping equipment? No he isn't.

What is Ray going to write every night? Ray is going to write a blog.


Shariknt Shariknt  07.03.2021 13:30

How many kilometers is Ray going to walk? Ray is going to 5,000 kilometres.

Where is Ray going to start his journey? Ray is going to cheap hotel.

Where is Ray going to finish? He is going to USA.

Sleep is Ray going to cheap hotels? Yes he is.

What is Ray going to see? Ray is going to see a fantastic countryside

Who is Ray going to meet? Ray is going to meet a different people.

Take is Ray going to camping equipment? No he isn't.

What is Ray going to write every night? Ray is going to write a blog.


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