Write passive sentences.

Example: The police are making inquires now. — Inquires are being made by the police now.
1. The judge is announcing the sentence. –
2. The investigator was examining clothes when the expert arrived. –
3. The police are searching for a burglar. –
4. The Parliament is passing the law. –
5. The committee is discussing the matter. –
6. The experts are studying the fingerprints. –

sernikovs sernikovs    3   28.04.2020 21:07    1

марго1002 марго1002  14.10.2020 01:44
1. The sentence is being announced by the judge.
2. Clothes were being examined by the investigator when the expert arrived.
3. A burglar is being searched by the police.
4. The law is being passed by the Parliament.
5. The matter is being discussed by the committee.
6. The fingerprints are being studied by the experts.
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