Write How much or How many. 6 How much money do you have?
7 How many biscuits do you want?
8 How many litres of milk?
9 How much ice cream is there?
10 How much sandwiches

Write a, an, some or any.
11 Do you have butter?
12 We don’t have lamb.
13 We have vegetables.
14 Do you have apple?
15 We don’t have apples.

Choose the correct word
16 This drink is for she/her.
17 We/Us live here.
18 Give it to they/them.
19 Can you telephone I/me?
20 He/Him is hungry.

Write F (Food) or D (Drink)
21 tea
22 pineapple
23 orange juice
24 fries
25 watermelon

Use the letters to write the adjectives.
26 pyahp
27 irthyst
28 ethyhal
28 deirt
29 gynhru
Find five money words


Japanese people have a very healthy diet. They eat a lot of fish, and there are always vegetables served with every meal. They eat meat, but much less than Europeans or Americans. Nearly every meal is served with rice. Convenience foods are popular with young people and busy businessmen.
True or False?
35 The Japanese have a good diet.
36 They eat fish or vegetables.
37 They eat meat, like the Europeans.
38 They always eat rice.
39 They never eat convenience foods.
Use the notes to write about Pierre’s diet.
Meat not too much/eat chicken
Vegetables every day
Sweets once a week/eat more fruit
Other go to the gym

Pierre, you need to eat less and exercise more. Go to (40). Don’t eat so much (41); (42)is better for you than beef. You need to have (43)with every meal, every day. If you really are hungry and have to snack try not to have biscuits or chocolate – you can snack on (44)!

маша3053 маша3053    3   07.03.2021 16:04    2

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