Write down alternatve questions to the following sentences: 1. our teacher knows several foreign languages. 2. he has graduated from our university last year. 3. we shall go to samara next week. 4. they are working in our garden. 5. i have just read this book. 6. i took this book from my friend. 7. he likes reading books. 8. she has many relatives abroad. 9. they were in many countries. 10. russia is the largest country in the world.

nstratonova nstratonova    2   28.05.2019 07:10    37

Suslik1111 Suslik1111  25.06.2020 17:33
Does out teacher know several or one foreign language?
Has he graduated from our university last year or this year?
Shall we go to Samara or St. Petersburg next week?
Are they working in our or their garden?
Have you just read this book or this notes?
Did you take this book from your friend or your parents?
Does he like reading or writing books?
Has she relatives or parents abroad?
Were they in many or few countries?
Is Russia the largest or the smallest country in the world?
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