Write (+), (-) and (?) sentences with been. Example: (+) They/Osh → They've been to

a) (-) I/Tokmok b) (?) you/Sokuluk

b) (?) you/Sokuluk d) (+) My parents/ Africa

c) (-) Bakyt and Nurlan / Batken

d) (+) My parents/ Africa

e) (?) Leila and Kate / Jalal-Abad

f) (-) We/Russia​

AzNas AzNas    1   20.04.2021 19:19    0

alinakolesnikov alinakolesnikov  20.04.2021 19:20
Перевод нужен ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Write (+), (-) and (?) sentences with been. Example: (+) They/Osh → They've been toa) (-) I/Tokmok b
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