I would like to invent a thing with which I could read people's minds. The title of my invention will be "Mind Reading". Everyone may need it. My invention is similar to headphones. It's easy to use. My invention could be used everywhere. People will be able to read minds and communicate mentally. My invention is not hazardous to human health. I believe that we need this because we get to know the people around us better. The invention helps the deaf. But he has one drawback: he reads not only good thoughts, but also bad ones, so people will often quarrel with each other.
I would like to invent a thing with which I could read people's minds. The title of my invention will be "Mind Reading". Everyone may need it. My invention is similar to headphones. It's easy to use. My invention could be used everywhere. People will be able to read minds and communicate mentally. My invention is not hazardous to human health. I believe that we need this because we get to know the people around us better. The invention helps the deaf. But he has one drawback: he reads not only good thoughts, but also bad ones, so people will often quarrel with each other.