Write an article about geografikal features in you country

ванямна ванямна    2   04.12.2020 18:03    0

mashamelnik28 mashamelnik28  03.01.2021 18:09

Kazakhstan's region is very diverse. Semi-deserts and deserts on South-West,  mountains mainly in the center, steppes and forests cover the East, South-East and the North. Very cold in prairie regions most of the time, but snows only during winter.

In mountain regions it's very hot during summer and very how during winter. The highest ground in Kazakhstan is mountain Khan Tengri. A very cool mountain I would say. There also are lots of very long rivers. Tobol for example is 591 kilometers long!

The landscape also attracts a lots of different creatures. In the coldest parts of the mountains remain Snow Leopards and they hunt for mountain goats and rams. Hawks feed their children in mountains too. Bears, foxes, wolfs, rabbits, racoons and much more can be found in forests, closer to mountains.

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