Write an answer to your pen friend's letter. answer his/her questions. the number of
words in your letter should be 100—120.
i've got really interested in modern english poetry. i've discovered for my-
self the poetry of philip larkin which was recommended to me by the librarian in our
school library. he is quite young but he knows a lot about literature. do you use any
libraries? do you find them helpful? what books do you usually ​

Katya552002 Katya552002    2   19.11.2019 23:15    14

laravivaldyoy2w4w laravivaldyoy2w4w  11.01.2024 17:47
Dear [Pen Friend's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I was thrilled to receive your letter and I am delighted to hear of your newfound interest in modern English poetry. It's wonderful to know that you are exploring the world of literature and expanding your horizons.

I am glad to hear that you have discovered Philip Larkin's poetry. Larkin is indeed a remarkable poet who perfectly captures the essence of life through his verses. It's great that the librarian at our school recommended his works to you. Librarians are a treasure trove of knowledge and they can guide us to wonderful literary discoveries. I am fortunate to have access to a library as well, where I can indulge in my passion for reading. I believe libraries play a crucial role in education as they provide us with a vast collection of books, covering various genres and subjects.

In my opinion, libraries are incredibly helpful. Not only do they provide a peaceful environment for study, but they also offer a wide range of resources that can aid in our learning journey. Whether it's for research purposes, studying for exams, or simply exploring new worlds through literature, libraries offer a wealth of information at our fingertips. Additionally, libraries often organize book discussions, workshops, and author visits, which further enhance our understanding and appreciation of literature.

As for the books I usually read, I have a diverse taste. I enjoy classic literature by authors like William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and Fyodor Dostoevsky. At the same time, I am also drawn towards contemporary novels, particularly those written by authors such as J.K. Rowling, Khaled Hosseini, and Haruki Murakami. I firmly believe that reading a wide variety of books helps broaden our perspectives and enables us to develop critical thinking skills.

In conclusion, libraries are indispensable resources that provide us with invaluable knowledge and open doors to the magical world of literature. I encourage you to continue exploring different authors and genres to nurture your love for poetry and reading.

Wishing you happy reading and success in your literary endeavors.

Warm regards,
[Your Name]
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