Write a story about the family. Use can /can’t .You can use Students book p .56 as a module

Написать небольшой рассказ про свою

семью, включая информацию о том, что они

умеют и не умеют.

vapapsroyflmq vapapsroyflmq    3   26.11.2020 19:35    0

Nastya0012005 Nastya0012005  26.12.2020 19:36

My family is not very big, but very friendly. I love my parents. My mom is a housewife. She can cook, very tasty. My mom can't swim. But my dad can swim well and can play football, but he can't cook well like my mom. My parents can paint very good, this is their hobby, but i cant pain, so my parents teach me every evening. I love my family. I know that together we can do anything.

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