Write a letter to friend about sport. Include the following information: ● which sports you have played; ●what your attitude to sport is; ●how you think sport can help people in their lives. Содержательное наполнение (a1,a2, a3)
а1 - первое условие. Условие обработаны полностью, предоставлено развернутый ответ (не менее двух распространены предложения).
Условие только упомянуто, предоставлено короткий ответ
a2 ‐ второе условие. Условие обработаны полностью, предоставлено развернутый ответ (не менее двух распространены предложения). Условие только упомянуто, предоставлено короткий ответ
a3 - третье условие. Условие обработаны полностью, предоставлено развернутый ответ (не менее двух распространены предложения). Условие только упомянуто, предоставлено короткий ответ

И все дальше прикрепил здесь>

Mogolan Mogolan    1   18.04.2021 14:41    0

tecakrus88 tecakrus88  18.05.2021 14:43

Hello John,

             Thank you for your last letter. I found it to be extremely informative and entertaining. You wrote that you enjoy sport, in particular, football and indoor climbing. And I am glad to hear that because I love sport too!

            To begin with, I want to tell you I enjoy playing hockey in winter and I like running long distances when the weather is warm, that is to say in spring and summer. Needless to say, that I have played lots of sports games, both indoor and outdoor ones and in the end decided that hockey and running are my favourite sports activities.

             Secondly, I can honestly tell you that it is not always easy for me to find free time for playing hockey as I have a lot of homework to do and I also have to run some household chores around the house. But when I get a chance to play this game with my friends I am really happy, especially when the surface of a nearby pool is covered with ice in winter. The same goes for running, I run every morning accompanied by my elder sister who is also keen on this activity.

            To conclude, I can say that I have noticed as these sports activities have been changing my life! I start feeling more energetic at school and I also begin to memorise all information given to us by teachers more quickly. So, I guess there is a kind of connection between physical exercises and mental activity which is great considering how much homework we are assigned these days.

            Well, I think that's all. I am waiting for your reply.

             Your friend, тут свое имя


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