Write 7-8 sentences about different kind of weather.use the questions to help you.запитання ! 1)what kind of weather do you like? 2)what do you usually do in that king of weather? 3) what kind of weather dont you like

13semiy 13semiy    3   30.05.2019 04:20    1

warfacegamer01 warfacegamer01  29.06.2020 21:13
The weather can be different,but I like warm and synny weather.I usually go for a walk with my friends ,ride a bike,play sports games outdoor,when it's warm.when the weather is sunny ,I prefer to wear a sunglasses and sunbathing.I don't like cold and scorching hot weather ,because I can't be outdoor.if the weather is cold,the day will be boring.when it's cold ,I do my homework,play computer games and surf the net.I usually sad ,when it's cold ,because I can't see my friends .
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Tatyana23411 Tatyana23411  29.06.2020 21:13
My favorite weather is sun.
If it's summer, I can sunbathe on the beach and swimming in the river. If this is winter then I go skiing. Snow has a beautiful color in the sun.
 I don't like rainy weather, because I should stay at home. At this time I have a bad mood and I don't want to do.
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