5 Do the individual project
'Citizenship for Young People'
an addict ['ædik
and make a presentation. Read
a citizen ['sıtızn)
the situation and follow the
drug (drag)
instructions below.
government ['gavənmənt
You are a PR (public relations)
hardship ſ'ha:djup)
expert for an independent educational
a participant (pa:'tısı pont
organisation called Citizenship for a pregnancy l'pregnansi]
Young People whose goal is to
to benefit ('benifit
encourage and enable young people
to handle l'hændi]
to play an effective role in democratic
exhausting lig‘zə:stıq)
society. The local school authorities
have asked you to give a presentation
I.non igʻzıstant)
on your organisation.
worldwide I'wz:Idward]
1 Brainstorm the ideas.
e to get dumped
2 Include the following points:
e to get training (on)
basic information
to raise money
plans for future
3 Revise the rules for making and giving a presentation (see page 3
4 Give your presentation in class.

vladekan vladekan    1   01.06.2020 18:22    4

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