William weller has written a plan for his family trip to scotland. what are their plans for the week in scotland? sunday - arrive in edinburgh at 2 pm visit the theatre at 7 pm monday - tour edinburg tuesday - arrive at alloway visit the burns museum wednesday - relax at the lake walk in the forest park thursday - arrive in glasgow tour glasgow friday - come back home

Антон8712 Антон8712    2   09.09.2019 11:00    4

Loooooper Loooooper  26.08.2020 18:23
On Sunday they are arriving in Edinburgh at 2 and they are visiting the theatre at 7.
On Monday they are touring Edinburgh.
On Tuesday they are arriving at Alloway and they are visiting the Burns Museum.
On Wednesday they are relaxing at the lake and they are walking in the Forest Park.
On Thursday they are arriving in Glasgow and they are touring Glasgow.
On Friday they are coming home.
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