Why risk it al? What makes some people do incredibly dangerous sports? I prefer to watch sport from the comfort of my own armchair, so I've often asked that question. I think there are as many answers as there are people. Everyone has seen the thill of the bungee jump: the image of someone at the top of a very high bridge while they're waiting to throw themselves off But why would any nomal person decide to do something so dangerous? Well, clearly, there are many people who simply enjoy the danger. If bungee jumping is a once-in-a-lifetime thrll what about doing a dangerous sport for a living? There's no way I'd ever do that! Look at Formula Ore, for example. It's true that motor racing is much safer than it used to be - but you never know. But everyday sports can sometimes be as dangerous as sports like motor racing There are often accidents as a result of horse riding and rugby, for example, but they are popular with thousands of people m the UK. In fact, I played rugby a lot when I was younger, and there were lots of accidents during every matchl Luckily, pope of them were serious, though. But for me persorally, the most fnightening sport of all is skydiving. 1 can't imagine wanting to jump out of an airplane. They say moving towards the Earth at high speed is the most amazing feeling Then when your parachute opens, you come down gently. I'd love to know what that feels like, but I know 1 never will It's the 'when your parachute opens' bit that scares me. What if it doesn't open? But I guess that's why people enjoy these dangerous sports. It's the " это сор​

рамиля28 рамиля28    1   03.03.2021 05:39    0

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