Why is a through train convenient?
Ю. Голіцинський, Spoken English. Терміново! ів!

mutagan25Mark mutagan25Mark    3   24.03.2023 00:18    0

ЛизкаПодлизка111 ЛизкаПодлизка111  24.03.2023 01:00

A through train is convenient because it allows passengers to travel directly to their destination without having to change trains, eliminating the need to transfer between platforms or stations and reducing the risk of missed connections. This can save time, reduce stress and make the journey more comfortable. It is also beneficial for those with mobility issues or heavy luggage.

Могу только так. Вы просто не указали класс, страницу, упражнение и т.д.

Если что-то не так, отправляйте жалобу и пусть удаляют мое сообщение, я не против.

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