Why i like the movies about harry potter ? написать что-то вроде сочинения примерно 30 предложений

mrwiner mrwiner    2   28.07.2019 01:10    0

mimimi055 mimimi055  03.10.2020 14:53
I like the movies about Harry Potter because they present us a real magic world. I mean they present the same problems as we all get in our real world but in the key of magic. Harry catches troubles: negative relationships, evil people around him, dangerous situations etc. Also he has good things - strong friendship, respect from people and a lot of possibilities to show himself from good sides. Also I think the interesting thing is to see how he grow from young boy to almost adult guy. When I watch these movies I can feel like I am on his place. And I'm sure everyone from us can feel like this. I believe this is a main point of these movies. Of course this is a not only point. Magic, magic and magic again! I'd like to be able to make magic. I can imagine that I shake my magic wand and create wonderful things. I wish to solve different problems. To trip to long distance during one second, to make some beautiful tricks. Also I like very much his school. I guess it is extremely difficult - to learn all their subjects. But how interesting it is! If I had a possibility to study there I'd like to know all magic sciences. And I'm sure, I could be a good friend for Harry.
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