Who is responsible dealing with complaints? варианты ответов: 1) for 2) with 3) in 4) at i would like to know what taught are required in your country. варианты ответов: 1) qualifications 2) knowledge 3) education 4) subjects 2 ( – выберите один вариант ответа). wales is a part of the uk, so one can’t really call it country. варианты ответов: 1) an independent 2) a dependent 3) independently 4) depending i suppose we really to book our ferry tickets in advance. варианты ответов: 1) ought 2) should 3) must 4) can

gribvlad123 gribvlad123    1   01.07.2019 01:40    4

Витаминка8990 Витаминка8990  24.07.2020 13:51
1 for  ,  2  knowledge 3) an independent 4  ought
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