While learning english in a summer school in brighton you stayed with the british host family . you enjoyed staying with them . now you are at home and you are going to thank them for their hospitability .write a letter to your host family(mr/and mrs/brown)

322pussy322 322pussy322    3   09.06.2019 06:00    4

veronamut02 veronamut02  01.10.2020 22:49

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Brown,

I am writing to let you know that I arrived home safely and to thank you for your hospitality. It was so kind of you to let me stay at your home. I will never forget that fantastic time!

I am so grateful to you for everything you did for me. I felt very comfortable in my room and I really enjoyed every meal cooked by Mrs. Brown. I also liked every minute of all the sightseeing tours Mr. Brown took me on. I can say I have learnt a lot about your country!

My English has improved greatly and I feel so much more confident when speaking it now. I learnt a lot of new words and phrases from our conversations.

Thank you once again for your kindness and hospitality. I hope one day you will come to visit us here.

Best regards,

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