Where were they? read and complete. last week,larry and l were at the . we were with my uncle harry.there were lots of animals there: seals,dolphins,and crocodiles,too! lt wasbreally exciting! yesterday,maya and l were at the . there was a really funny show on.there were dancerc and clowns,too! it was a really interesting day! перевести на руский язык и вставить пробушеные слова. надо.

ждл1 ждл1    2   17.07.2019 22:30    2

lizasolnce2004 lizasolnce2004  19.08.2020 12:46
Last week,Larry and l were at the ZOO. We were with my Uncle Harry.There were lots of animals there:seals,dolphins,and crocodiles,too! lt was really exciting!
На неделе, мы с Ларри были в зоопарке. Мы были с моим дядей Гарри. Там было много животных: тюлени, дельфины и крокодилы! Это было захватывающе!

Yesterday, Maya and l were at the сircus. There was a really funny show on.There were dancer and clowns,too! It was a really interesting day!
Вчера мы с Майей были в цирке. Там было действительно смешное представление. Там так же были танцоры и клоуны! Это был действительно интересный день!
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