Where … the johnsons…? a) do … live c) does… live b) are… live d) live … your sister often… to the theatre? a) is go c) do go b) does go d) go i … that man because i … english. a) not understand, don’t know c) don’t understand, don’t know b) don’t understand, not know d) doesn’t understand, doesn’t know everybody in our family … mummy about the house. dad … the dog, i … the flowers, and my brothers … the rooms. a) help, walks, water, clean c) help, walks, water, cleans b) helps, walks, water, clean d) help, walks, waters, clean jack lives not far from us, but we … him often. a) not see c) don’t see b) doesn’t see d) see not don’t give him cigarettes. he …. a) isn’t smoke c) don’t smoke b) doesn’t smoke d) not smoke mrs. clay usually finishes her work at half past three, but she … it later yesterday afternoon. a) finish c) finished b) finishes d) was finish every day i help my mom about the house, but last week i was very busy with my exam. so i … her much. a) not helped c) didn’t helped b) didn’t help d) don’t help i … to the market myself last time, but now i don’t remember how to get there. a) getted c) got b) goted d) geted 10. … your finger? a) how have you cut c) how did you cut b) how you cutted d) how you cut 11. jack … to remember what he had done last april. a) was tried c) tryed b) tried d) tryd 12. he … mary and … in love with her at first sight. a) met, fell c) meeted, fell b) had met, falled d) meeted, falled 13. i'm tired. i … to bed. a) i go c) i’m go b) i’d go d) i’ll go 14. we don’t know their address. what …? a) … are we do c) …shall we do b) … were we do d) … t was we do 15. our test … long. a) isn’t take c) willn’t take b) doesn’t take d) won’t take 16. dad … mag a personal computer, …? a) will present, won’t he c) present, will he b) presents, didn’t he d) presents, is he if she … in time, we … late for the concert. a) won’t come … are c) won’t come … will be b) doesn’t come … will be d) doesn’t come … are 18. we … our lesson when you … your seats. a) start … will take c) start … take b) will start … will take d) will start … take 19. we … english at the moment. a) are speaking c) is speaking b) speak d) speaks

алоал алоал    2   22.05.2019 10:30    3

639210 639210  17.06.2020 17:47

1. c) does… live

2. b)does go

3. c) don’t understand, don’t know

4. b) helps, walks, water, clean

5. c) don’t see

6. b) doesn’t smoke

7. c) finished

8. b) didn’t help

9. c) got

10. с)How have you cut

11. b) tried

12. a) met, fell

13. d) I’ll go

14. c) …shall we do

15. d) won’t take

16. a) will present, won’t he

17. b) doesn’t come … will be

18. a) start … will take

19. a) are speaking

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