When jacob opened his eyes, it was late morning. he closed ) again as there was no point in getting up. it was the ) day of holidays but it was no fun — all his friends were out of the city and jacob knew that his parents ) home from work late. suddenly he ) a noise from the kitchen. thieves? jacob felt scared. someone was there. then he smelled pies cooking. thieves do not cook pies and he immediately knew who it was. “gran! i'm so glad you )! ” jacob rushed to the kitchen and hugged the smiling little lady. “easy, easy, or i'll drop the saucepan. i ) your favourite pie with vanilla sauce. where do you keep cinnamon by the way? cinnamon ) here, but there isn't any,” the woman handed him a little spice jar. “i don't know, gran, honestly! but the cinnamon matter). it's great that you are here. i've got a lot to tell you.” the woman smiled. “ok, you get dressed and when you are ready, we ). hurry up! ”

LIZASSS1345 LIZASSS1345    1   26.07.2019 14:30    109

gamer0072 gamer0072  03.10.2020 13:34
When Jacob opened his eyes, it was late morning. He closed THEM again as there was no point in getting up. It was the FIRST day of holidays but it was no fun — all his friends were out of the city and Jacob knew that his parents WOULD COME home from work late. Suddenly he HEARD a noise from the kitchen. Thieves? Jacob felt scared. Someone was there. Then he smelled pies cooking. Thieves do not cook pies and he immediately knew who it was. “Gran! I'm so glad you HAVE COME!” Jacob rushed to the kitchen and hugged the smiling little lady. “Easy, easy, or I'll drop the saucepan. I AM MAKING your favourite pie with vanilla sauce. Where do you keep cinnamon by the way? Cinnamon IS WRITTEN here, but there isn't any,” the woman handed him a little spice jar. “I don't know, Gran, honestly! But the cinnamon DOES NOT MATTER. It's great that you are here. I've got a lot to tell you.” The woman smiled. “OK, you get dressed and when you are ready, we WILL CHAT. Hurry up!”
iruha07082001 iruha07082001  21.01.2024 16:24
Когда Джейкоб открыл глаза, было уже позднее утро. Он закрыл их снова, так как не было смысла вставать. Это был последний день каникул, но не было весело - все его друзья уехали из города, и Джейкоб знал, что его родители придут домой поздно с работы. Внезапно он услышал шум из кухни. Воры? Джейкоб почувствовал страх. Кто-то был там. Затем он почувствовал запах готовящихся пирогов. Воры не готовят пироги, и он сразу понял, кто это был. "Бабушка! Я так рад, что ты здесь!" Джейкоб бросился на кухню и обнял улыбающуюся маленькую леди. "Легко, легко, я могу уронить кастрюлю. Я приготовила твой любимый пирог со ванильным соусом. Кстати, где ты хранишь корицу? Корица обычно здесь, но ее нет", женщина подала ему небольшую пряную баночку. "Я не знаю, бабушка, честно говоря! Но корица не имеет значения. Здорово, что ты здесь. У меня много тебе рассказать". Женщина улыбнулась. "Хорошо, одевайся, и когда будешь готов, мы пойдем. Поторопись!"
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