)when i was at school, i spent two summers at my grandfather’s. they were the holidays i’ve ever had. grandpa lived alone in a country cottage near a small river. grandpa’s hobby was making birdhouses. he always said that he a hobby to fill his free time. grandpa’s workshop was full of all kinds of tools. there a big table, hammers, nails, paints, and what not. and all the tools carefully in their places. that was grandpa’s number one rule. the rule was, “never buy a new tool if the old one still works.” in the workshop, when he the birdhouses, i asked him lots of questions about birds. he a lot about them! he could tell one bird from another by their songs and footprints. i was surprised that grandpa / the birdhouses in bright colours. he explained to that birds prefer natural colours that make their houses more difficult to notice and, for that reason, safer. last year, i became a volunteer in a charity shop. it was an job for me - i had never been involved with charities. our shop raised money to provide medical care for anyone suffering from any the job was not easy but i enjoyed it very much. all my colleagues were very helpful. their and support meant a lot to me. andrew, my boss and was a smart and well-organized person. he kept saying that we had no right to be indifferent or because people’s lives depended on us. working in the charity shop, i have met some very interesting people and have learnt a lot of practical skills. volunteering has equipped me with experience which i’m sure will be for my future.

Оксана0990 Оксана0990    2   24.07.2019 21:30    1

chernov5 chernov5  07.08.2020 13:28
Good -the best
need - needed
be -were
keep- were kept
two -second
make -made
know -knew
not paint -didn't paint
I -me
usual- unusual
ill -illness (illnesses)
friend- friendship
manage -manager
care -careless
use -useful
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