Wheh i woke up, the sun was shining. i tried to get up,but i couldn't move my hands or feet.i was lying on my back. hundreds of thin but strong cords fastened my arms and legs to the ground.i could not turn my head bead because even my hair, which was very long, was tied to the ground. soon i heard some voices . something was moving along my leg, up my body and to my fact. when ilooked down i sam a ery little man, not more than six inches tall. many more small men came after him. i was so surprised that i gave out a loud cry. the small people were afraid of me - they jumped back. some fell off my body and hurt themseles badly.i felt a hundred arrows on my hand,face and body.after that an important man addressed me.i did not know his language but i guessed the meaning of his speech: i am in the country called lilliput.lilliputians live here.i must not hurt them.they are not going to hurt me.перевод на только правильно. the

stepazhdanov2 stepazhdanov2    2   12.07.2019 20:00    3

aktotyaubekerozp0uz aktotyaubekerozp0uz  18.09.2020 16:46
Когда я проснулась, то солнце еще только всходило . Я попыталась встать, но я не могла подвигать руками или ногами. Я лежала на своей кровати. Дальше лень переводить...но тут не сложно.
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