What type of conditional clauses are they? Which one is a mixed conditional? an inverted conditional? Vibrant Vocabulary . Language is a living breathing thing that constantly changes. If a new word becomes popular, it 1) … (spread) through our lexicon. This is becoming especially true in our modern digital age. Nowadays, for example, thanks 5 to social media, if we share expressions and vocabulary online enough, they 2) … … (take) on a life of their own in both cyberspace and beyond! What's more, providing that they get used enough, they 3) … … … … (even/end up) being added to the dictionary, as was the case with words such 10 as YOLO, LOL and selfie! Bear in mind, however, that even if those words 4) … … … (not/be) officially recognised, people would use them anyway. So, if you dismissed them first time round, they 5) … … … … … … (probably/find) their way into your everyday speech without you even noticing! Technology has become a key factor in 15 people's access to and use of language in a strikingly short period of time. In fact, 6) … … (l/tell) you this fifteen years ago, you would most likely not have believed it!

MilaPlay123 MilaPlay123    2   12.02.2022 02:07    43

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