What? That You're joking! can't be true! That's impossible! I don't believe you/it! Are No way! Rosa: Is Mike going to come sailing with us? Jack: No w ay Rosa: 21.? That's 3. ! He's a really good swimmer! ! He's terrified of deep water. Jack: No, it's true. He's got a phobia. He's competing in the 50 metre freestyle at the swimming club next week. Rosa: That 41, true! Jack: I know, but he's scared of swimming in open water. I think it's because you can't see the bottom. Rosa: 56 serious? I didn't think Mike was scared of anything. Jack: Rosa: Jack: Well, he's afraid of deep water. It's quite a common phobia, actually. ! I've never heard of it. You^ prime re^ 6 .\ Mike told me himself. Rosa: I don't ask him. you! I'm going to call Mike and you serious? conversation in Exercise 4. Work with a partner. Prepare a conversation like the one in Exercise 4. Use the photos below and the useful language. Practise the conversation with your partner.

Situation 1 You are going camping with some friends. Your friend Kevin has a phobia of spiders. He goes walking a lot, and loves sport. wa She to W R 7 2

Situation 2 You are going to go on a school trip to Rome. Your friend Donna is terrified of the dark. She is usually a confident person and speaks Italian!

davidmarabyan davidmarabyan    2   20.05.2021 06:55    1

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