What’s your dream job?
Does your job require a lot of training or experience? What are they?
What is the future trend of popular jobs?
What kinds of job are not popular among young people?
What do you think is the worst job in the world? Why?
What unusual jobs do you know?
Would you like to do an unusual job in the future? Why?
What is the usual retirement age for men and women in your countrу​

liker27 liker27    3   14.05.2021 13:40    2

бюро бюро  14.05.2021 13:50

ответ: 1. Объясняется о какой работе ты мечтаешь. Например: I dream of working as a pilot. Требует ли твоя работа большой подготовки опыта? Например: Yes, I want to make money and become a successful and wealthy person. Тебе спрашивают что же это такое? Скажи что: I will learn to fly a plane (helicopter) and become director. Нужно ли тебе быть таким сильным чтобы сделать это? Например: Yes, the pilot is the most dangerous job for me. This leads to serious training.


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