What is there in your room? What is there around your house?

gulia2369 gulia2369    2   20.01.2022 22:10    0

Sergeyii Sergeyii  20.01.2022 22:20

1) Where do you live? What rooms are there in your flat/house? — I live in a flat. There are three rooms in my flat.

2) Do you share your room? Iwith my sister(s),brother(s) — I share my room with my sister.

3) What is there in your room? I’ve got ... I haven`t got There are There is (not) — I have got beds, a table, a wardrobe in my room.

4) Is your room tidy? I clean … at weekends. I put in the — Yes, it is. I clean my room every day.

5) What have you changed? I have putnearWe have repaintedredecorated... — I have put a sofa near my bed.

6) Do you like your room? Why? I can spend time with...I like...there. — Yes, I do. I can spend time with my friends there.


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