What is the second stage of teaching monological speech?
A) productive exercises, aimed at producing a discourse/text level to teach students to produce correct, logical and communicatively motivated topic/text-based monologue of different functional types.
B) reproductive-productive exercises, aimed at producing an utterance level to unite several sentences into logically connected utterance with the help of visual and verbal aids;
C) reproductive exercises, aimed at forming skills of producing a monologue on a sentence level to generate a sentence on a suggested topic;
D) the exercises included in the curriculum
E) no correct answer
33. What is the third stage of teaching monological speech?
A) productive exercises, aimed at producing a discourse/text level to teach students to produce correct, logical and communicatively motivated topic/text-based monologue of different functional types.
B) reproductive-productive exercises, aimed at producing an utterance level to unite several sentences into logically connected utterance with the help of visual and verbal aids;
C) reproductive exercises, aimed at forming skills of producing a monologue on a sentence level to generate a sentence on a suggested topic;
D) the exercises included in the curriculum
E) no correct answer