What 5)... Natasha: Do you know where you 1) are going (go)
this summer for your holiday?
Nathan: Yes, I 2)
(visit) my friend in Greece. First, we 3)
(spend) a week in Athens, then we 4)
(sall) around the Greek islands.
for the summer?
Natasha: 16)
(not/go) anywhere.
(stay) in London
because I 8)
(save up)
to buy a car
Nathan: Oh. That's nice. But I think you 9)
(be) bored in London all summer
Natasha: I hope not!
Nathan: Well, you know that you can come to Athens
with me if you want. It 10)
(not/cost) you much because we can stay at
my friend's house
Natasha: That's a really
great idea,
Nathan: Yes. It 11)
(be) fun

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