We …fishing with my uncle last month. don’t go b) didn’t go c) haven’t gone the train to oxford … already … . the next is in half-an-hour. has …gone b) is …going c) will …go my sister always … mother to cook our meals. helped b) is helping c) helps i … all the exercises already. have done b) is doing c) does my classmates … hiking last week. went b) go c) goes at summer camp we … on boats, i think. are sailing b) have sailed c) will sail … you come to my birthday on saturday? do b) have c) will he … the leading role in the performance yesterday. hasn’t got b) doesn’t get c) didn’t get

Eerow Eerow    3   30.06.2019 17:40    2

irinasid irinasid  13.04.2020 02:27
1) b
2) a
3) c
4) a
5) a
6) c
7) c
8) c
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