⦁ We can’t go out. (I wish…)
⦁ Everyone learnt that story. (I wish …)
⦁ I missed the plane. (I wish…)
⦁ She’s always bossy. I hate that. (I wish …)
⦁ I didn’t check the facts. (I wish…)
⦁ You are away now. (I wish…)
⦁ She is furious. (I wish …)
⦁ They are not going to help me. But I would like that so much. (I wish…)
⦁ We haven’t done anything about the leaking tap. (It’s high time…)
⦁ They know each other but they behave differently. (…as if/though…)
⦁ You haven’t written your CV. (It’s high time …)
⦁ They look interested, but they’re not. (…as if/though …)
⦁ We should act confident – imagine we’ve won lots of such contests before. (…as if/though…)

евген1398 евген1398    1   13.05.2020 23:57    2

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