Water pollution is…many fish species with extinction. *

a) destroying


c) damaging

2. Animal … are in danger all over the world . *

a) homes

b) hedgerows

c) habitats

3. The Nile … flows into the Mediterranean Sea . *

a) Lake

b) River

c) Pond

4. How many … of birds live in this woodland ? *

a) species

b) residents

c) inhabitants

5. My neighbour is very …; she never says hello to me . *

a) arrogant

b) selfish

c) friendly

6. Kate’s been calling you …. because she wants to ask you something. *

a) still

b)at the moment

c) all morning

7. I haven’t been to the circus ….a long time. *

a) since


c) so far

8. Mary is ….worried about the lost book. *


b)all morning


9. Jackson Pollock was one of the most well…and unusual American painters. *

a) believed



10. I was ….by the directions they gave me, so I asked a local to show me the way. *

a) curious


c) confused

11. Mone painted beautiful … of the countryside. *

a) images


c) collections

12. Tom was very tired .He …football for hours. *

a) had played

b)had been playing


13. Mary was happy because she… the first prize in the art competition. *

a) won

b)had bin winning

c)had won

14. The boys … TV when their mum came home. *

a) were watching

b)had been watching

c)had watched

15. Nick …play football when he was a child. *

a) would

b)used to

c)had played


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AyHaN123 AyHaN123    1   28.01.2021 09:22    2

sashocpinchuk sashocpinchuk  27.02.2021 09:23

1B threatening

2C habitats

3B River

4A species

5A arrogant

6C all morning

7B for

8A still

9B known

10C confused

11A images

12B had been playing

13C had won

14A were watching

15B used to

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