Was ….by the directions they gave me, so I asked a local to show me the way. *
a) curious
c) confused
10. Jackson Pollock was one of the most well…and unusual American painters. c)done *

a) believed
4. The Nile … flows into the Mediterranean Sea . *

a) Lake
b) River
c) Pond
9. Mary is ….worried about the lost book. a)still b)all morning c)already *

b)all morning
7. Kate’s been calling you …. because she wants to ask you something. a) still b)at the moment c) all morning *

a) still
b)at the moment
c) all morning
3. Animal … are in danger all over the world . *

a) homes
b) hedgerows
c) habitats
8. I haven’t been to the circus ….a long time. b)for c) so far *

a) since
b) for
c) so far
12. Mone painted beautiful … of the countryside. *

a) images
c) collections
19. The train to Moscow….at 7 p.m. *

a) will
b) will be leaving
c) leaves
5. How many … of birds live in this woodland ? *

a) species
b) residents
c) inhabitants
13. Tom was very tired .He …football for hours. *

a) had played
b) had been playing
2. Water pollution is…many fish species with extinction. *

a) destroying
b) threatening
c) damaging
14. Mary was happy because she… the first prize in the art competition. *

a) won
b) had been winning
c) had won
15. The boys … TV when their mum came home. *

a) were watching
b)had been watching
c)had watched
18. This time next week I… myself on Cyprus. *

a) will enjoy
b)will be enjoying
c)will have enjoyed
16. I don’t like my next-door neighbor; she is …noisy woman. *

a) so
b) a so
c) such a
17. Nick …play football when he was a child. *

a) would
b)used to
c)had played
1, Ф.И.О. полностью. Оқушының аты-жөні. *
6. My neighbour is very …; she never says hello to me . *

a) arrogant
b) selfish
c) friendly
20.She is alright , … ? *

a) isn’t she
b)aren’t she
c)is she​

vpuzerov vpuzerov    1   25.08.2020 11:38    5

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