Was a place for religious conies to worship the sun, oth- ers say it was an ancient centar. Archaeologists believe
that the ancient builder:
..ne knowledge about astron-
omy. On 21st June (the best day), the sun rises directly
above the central stone
2. Read the texts and match the titles to the para-
graphs. There is one extra title.
1. The Material A
2. The Rituals
3. The Builders
4. The Structure C
5. The Functions
A. Stonehenge is a probably the best-known pre-historic
monument in the world. It stands on Salisbury Plain in the
south-west of England. It consists of a group of huge stones
that stand on the ground in two circles. In some cases, there
is another stone on top of them. There is a big stone in the
very centre of Stonehenge. Archaeologists believe it was
built between 4,000 and 5,000 years ago.
B. Stonehenge hides a lot of secrets. Like, it's still not clear
who built it. One legend says that the Devil placed the stones
there. Another legend tells us that the great magician Merlin
created the monument. And there's one more theory that
thousands of years ago giants turned into these stones.
However, these are not scientific explanations. Maybe it was
the aliens?
C. The stones of Stonehenge are different but all huge and
heavy. The largest stone is about 7m tall (taller than a giraffe)
and weighs about 25 tons (heavier than 5 elephants). The
builders of Stonehenge cut them from the rock more than
200 km away and carried to the site. We don't know exactly
how they moved these large stones. This is another mystery
of the place
D. Another big question is why people built Stonehenge. This
is one of the great mysteries of Britain. Some people think it
Read the dialogue and choose the right answer.
John: Hey, Liz, do you live any plans for today's evening?
Do you want to see a film?
Liz: That's a good idea, John. What film?
John: I don't know... How about a thriller at the Odeon?
Liz: Oh, I heard about that. It sounds scary. I can't sleep after
thrillers or horror films. I love romantic films with happy end-
John: Not for me!
Liz: Really? Well then, what kind of films do you like?
John: I prefer adventure films about travellers or explorer
They always have a bright superhero and the story is exc
ing. These films are never boring, the action is quick, so!
ways want to watch them till the end.
Liz: Oh yeah, I agree. I'm also a big fan of musicals.
of the Opera" is my favourite.
John: Musicals? They're not for me, for sure.
Liz: Listen, John! I just remembered one film that cam
last week. It's a detective and it has a little romance
some action, too. It is really exciting because you can't
who the criminal is and it has a surprise ending. What
think about that one?
John: Good! What time does it start?
Liz: At half past four. We have enough free time.

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