Выполните задания по образцу. Молодой журналист задает известной певице вопросы. Скажи, что журналист хочет узнать.

Example: Sandra, do you often visit other countries?
The journalist asks/wants to know if Sandra often visits other countries.

What songs do you usually sing?
The journalist asks/wants to know what songs Sandra usually sings.

Do you like pop music?
Do you often go to rock concerts?
How often do you do that?
Are you interested in the cinema?
What countries are you going to visit?

Что Кейт спрашивает у Роя?
Example: How many Russian books have you got, Roy?
Kate asks how many Russian books Roy has.

Have you got a family?
Have you got brothers or sisters?
How many sisters have you got?
What pets have you got?

Example: Where did you go yesterday?
Kate asks where Roy went yesterday.
Who decorated the New Year tree?
What did you do on New Year’s Eve?
Who did you meet on New Year’s Day?
What gifts did you give to your parents?

bes10 bes10    3   15.03.2021 04:57    5

gela06 gela06  15.03.2021 06:00

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