Выполните задание. Open the brackets using will, shall or to be going to.
— ... (you to help) me to cook supper, Liz? Uncle David and
Aunt Elsa ... (to visit) us tonight.
— And w hat... you ... (to cook), Mum?
— I ... (to cook) a rabbit. You know, Uncle David likes
— Me too. What ... I ... (to help) you to do, Mum?
— I think you ... (to cut) an onion. And I ... (to prepare) the
— ... that be OK, Mum?
— Yes, good. And now ... (you to give) me a bigger saucepan?
I’m afraid this saucepan ... (to be) too small for the rabbit.
— Here you are, Mum. ... I ... (to do) anything else?
— ... you ... (to wash) these tomatoes and cucumbers? I think
we ... (to make) a vegetable salad.
— The vegetables are ready. ... I ... (to slice) them?
— Yes, please. Be careful! You ... (to cut) your finger!
— The rabbit smells delicious. I’m sure Uncle David ... (to
enjoy) it.
— You are right. But I ... probably ... (to add) some more
salt. That’s nice.
— Oh, we ... (to have) a wonderful dinner today!​

alechka2502 alechka2502    3   12.11.2020 15:43    22

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