Выполните упражнение: Put the verbs into Past Perfect / Past Simple
1) When Anna … (come) to say good-night, her children already … (fall asleep).
2) My cousin ……. (buy) tickets before we came.
3) Mary … (can’t go) skating after she … (break) her leg.
4) When we ……….(finish) dinner, we went out.
5) I……… (not/have) breakfast when he arrived.
6) The lights went off because we …..(not/pay) the electricity bill.

Кеса1188 Кеса1188    1   15.12.2020 15:31    2

газмадошка4 газмадошка4  14.01.2021 15:32

1) When Anna came to say good-night, her children had already fallen asleep.

2) My cousin had bought tickets before we came.

3) Mary couldn't go skating after she had broken her leg.

4) When we had finished dinner, we went out.

5) I hadn't had breakfast when he arrived.

6) The lights went off because we hadn't paid the electricity bill.

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