Выполните перевод предложений с языка на в past perfect 1.мы ходили в магазин вчера 2.вчера мы пришли домой а он уже все купил 3.когда я пришел на остановку, автобус уже уехал 4.мы ходили в музей вчера 5.мне понравилось платье но его уже купили 6.вчера сломалась машина 7.машина сломалась и мы поехали в автосервис

risimonenko risimonenko    1   12.07.2019 19:30    1

RainbowRashers RainbowRashers  18.09.2020 16:59
1.We have gone to the shop
2.We have come home and they have all bought
3.When has I come to the bus stop,the bus has gone
4.We have gone to the museum
5.I has like the dress but it has bought
6.The car has broked
7.The car has broked and we have drived to the autoservise

балуева2007 балуева2007  18.09.2020 16:59
1. we went to the shop yesterday.
2. yesterday we came home, but he had already bought everything
3. when I got to the bus stop, the bus had already gone
4. we went to museum yesterday
5. I liked the dress, but it had already been bought
6. they broke the car yesterday./ the car was broken yesterday
7. the car had been broke, and we drove to the repair station
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