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veronika13571 veronika13571    1   08.05.2020 05:40    1

fox2121 fox2121  14.10.2020 10:37


I can't attend classes at the moment

I go to the Park on Sundays

during the summer, I visit my relatives.

I always exercise

I'm doing my homework right now

in winter, I sit at home.

we have never broken any laws.


my brother always reads in the evening, and I watch TV

My mother usually makes Breakfast for

me and my sister.

I never do my homework on Sunday.

Where's dad? — He's fixing a car.

The dog in the garden. "Does she play?" "No, he's asleep.

Are you free this afternoon? - No,

sorry, I'm very busy.

What time is it, please? - 4.15.

What time do you get up? - At 7: 30.

What are you doing now? — We're waitin friends.

What do your parents do?


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