выполнить несложные задания.
I. Choose the correct item.

1. We … smoke in the room.
A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. shouldn’t
2. If you … this way, I’ll show you the company’s office.
A. will come B. have to come C. can come
3. A hotel worker who gives and receives the keys is called…
A. a porter B. a desk-clerk C. a maid
4. It … be raining. The sky I grey and the wind is blowing fast.
A. must B. may C. might
5. The visitors… use the swimming-pool in the afternoon.
A. may B. can C. must
6. You … walk on the grass!
A. must B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t
7. This room will … me.
A. sweet B. suite C. suit
8. What is … become of me?
A. for B. will C. to
9. … does it take you to get to the station?
A. How long B. How much C. What time
10. A hotel door attendant … expect tips for hailing a taxi.
A. can B. cannot C. must
II. Cross out the unnecessary word.

1. That's the man whose his ticket was stolen.
2. The fax machine which I bought it last week is faulty.
3. John, who is my best friend, made a trip to Italy.
4. I must ask to you some questions.
5. Mum told us do not to send the message.
6. Tina asked me that what I wanted to do with this broken fax machine?

III. Make up the sentences using the right word order.

1. Jack, play, weekend, does, football, every?
2. mine, money, some, borrowed, from, I, friend, a, of.
3. want, do, what, he, to, does?
4. day, it, a, spring, warm, was.
5. Ann, drink, usually, doesn’t, tea.
6. water, must, I, the plants.
7. me, you, needn’t, for, wait.
8. animals, to, Britain, you, bring, mustn’t.
9. in, pay, shall, I, advance?
10. night, how, it, a, is, much.

magrim600 magrim600    1   22.04.2020 20:49    0

zak8rbayramovp0akso zak8rbayramovp0akso  22.04.2020 21:30

задания очень сложные

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