Выполнить . circle the correct item. 1. are/have you got a pen? 2. this is amy’s book. it’s her/hers. 3. there isn’t much/many cheese in my sandwich. 4. those/that is my bag. 5. can i have some/any oranges please? 6. i haven’t/can’t come to the party. 7. miriam is/has twelve years old. 8. there is someone/anyone in the house. 9. someone/some is in the garage.

GELDAGAN95 GELDAGAN95    3   26.07.2019 22:40    4

Лианиа Лианиа  07.09.2020 21:00
Have you got a pen? 
It’s hers. 
There isn’t much cheese in my sandwich.
That is my bag.
Can I have some oranges please?(это поэтому some,хотя в вопросах ставят any)
 I can’t come to the party.
Miriam is twelve years old.
 There is someone in the house.
Someone is in the garage.
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